How to Publish Payment Gateway Project via Visual Studio | Blogz Den

*[Note]: Get Latest of Payment_Gateways project first & in "bin" Folder only 13 dlls file should include (it can be vary)

1. Go TFS Local Path=> ..\TFSRemitanywhere\RemitAnywhere.PaymentGateways\RemitAnywhere.PaymentGateways
2. Run RemitAnywhere.PaymentGateways.sln
3. Right Click on Solution and select clean solution.
4. Right click on Solution and select build.
5. Right click on Project folder and click on Publish.
6. Set Path where to publish

7. In File Publish Option tick this

8. Copy the Publish folder after zip only these 2 files and deploy in IIS Server RAUS01 after backup.

Path: ....\wwwroot\www-PaymentGateways\RemitAnywhere.PaymentMethods

  1. PaymentGateway
  2. Bin

9.  Recycle the project “” from Application pool .

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